UK CERTIFICATION & TESTING LIMITED is working for 10years to provide various ISO certifications to big companies and small business organizations across the world. Our UKCTL is an independent certification body for all types of International Organization for Standardization. As a fast-growing certification company, our experts offer you the latest in various ISO certifications and promote quality concepts.
Our Systematic Work Procedure
Step 1-Comparison of Your Existing System
To start, we compare your existing system according to the specific requirements of the ISO standard you want.
Step 2-In-depth Analysis to Formulate an Action Plan
Our senior expert will conduct an in-depth analysis of various activities related to your business to understand what will affect directly according to the mentioned standard. Later, we formulate strong action plan for your project.
Step 3-Preparation of Documents and Manuals
While you continue with other business-related activities, we prepare documentation and the necessary manuals.
Step 4-Document Verification and Presentation of ISO Certificates
We present the documents to you and verify the non-compliance remedial action in the case of requirement. After this, we present you with the respective ISO certificate with logos, manuals, and the registration number.
After we complete each of the aforementioned steps, you will get the certification approximately within six weeks of the initial assessment. We give you ongoing support via email or telephone after you avail of the ISO Certification. Our UK CERTIFICATION & TESTING LIMITED will send an auditing partner to monitor the ISO standard and conduct a validation audit annually.
What Makes Us Special
Hence, with our values and objectives, you will enhance the administration and operational performance of your business organization.