
UK CERTIFICATION & TESTING LIMITED is working for 10years to provide various ISO certifications to big companies and small business organizations across the world. Our UKCTL is an independent certification body for all types of International Organization for Standardization. As a fast-growing certification company, our experts offer you the latest in various ISO certifications and promote quality concepts.

CE Marking

CE marking certification highlights that a company’s products fulfill the requirement of relevant and mandatory European directives. Thus, a company can easily sell its products within and outside of the European countries.


Organizations, who have proper CE Marking Certification may conduct business in the European Economic Area without bothering about any type of restriction.


UK CERTIFICATION & TESTING LIMITED is working for 10 years to provide various ISO certifications to big companies and small business organizations across the world. Our UKCTL is an independent certification body for all types of International Organization for Standardization. As a fast-growing certification company, our experts offer you the latest in various ISO certifications and promote quality concepts.

What Makes Us Special

  • Right from the establishment of UKCTL, our professionals have aimed to deliver cost-effective certification solutions to our clients.
  • We always put efforts to add value and gives support to the continuous improvement of your business procedures. Irrespective of your company’s location or size, we analyze each aspect of your business operations to help you meet the required ISO standard.
  • Our UKCTL always works by keeping the customers at the center. For this, we always deliver you ethical, friendly, courteous, and value assessment certification solutions to you with the highest integrity level.

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